Forecast for XAUUSD for Fundamental and Technical Analysis for 22 August 2022

1)Investors are worried on the FED statement on the interest rate hike .

2) Investors will be eagerly awaiting for Jay Powell speech in Jackson Hole

3) Eurozone S&P Global Composite Manager Index (pmi) remain stable at 49.4

Range price for fundamental analysis is 1780 – 1746

XAUUSD : The trend is Bearish

Technical Analysis Support area is based on previous resistance 1736.

Range is between 1714 as it has break 1750 last Friday.

Seek for sell opportunity , entry at lower timeframe as H4 to H1, to enter sell confirmation or based on your own technical analysis understanding.

XAUUSD : The trend is Bearish.

Sources from and

For further information, contact me ,Gurmit at +60142584067.I will guide anyone personally and I will share my link if you want to register with Weltrade Malaysia.

Disclaimer : This analysis is based on and You may follow basd on your own discreetion.

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Komen anda

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